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Malo Certse

The Malo Certsé fund started in 2003 during our trip to India. Since then we have been setting money aside to help children locally and Internationally. Our goal is to be able to consistently set aside 10% or more of class revenue for this fund. We have raised $5,000 to date and aim to continue donating time or money to the benefit of children worldwide. By practicing at Shavasana you have helped us to reach toward that goal. Thank you for all of your support!

In 2010 we held a Lecture Series to raise funds for Haiti Relief. Special Thanks go out to: Parmjit Singh Naomi Bernstein and Paul Copcutt Thanks to their contribution and to those who attended, Haiti will have some more clean water wells.

2007 Funds were used to build desks and chairs in a rural village school near Mysore in India. Prior to that the children had to sit on the floor for classes. Rotary Mysore was of immense help.

2006 Funds were directed to the Children Education Fund Pratham. Their motto is "Every child in school .... and learning well" With great help from Rotary Mysore

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